Mastering Crypto with On-Chain Analysis Tools (Glassnode, Nansen, Dune & More)

The crypto market is a dynamic beast, constantly shifting and evolving. Navigating this volatile landscape can be challenging, but savvy investors have a secret weapon: on-chain analysis. By delving into the underlying data of the blockchain, these tools offer a unique perspective, revealing hidden trends, whale movements, and market sentiment.

In this series, we’ll unlock the treasure trove of insights offered by various on-chain analysis platforms. We’ll begin by exploring their different specialties, from tracking wallet activity and transaction volume to gauging market sentiment and identifying promising projects. By understanding the data these platforms provide, you’ll be better equipped to make informed investment decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Stay tuned as we delve into the world of on-chain analysis, dissecting the features and functionalities of popular platforms like Glassnode, Dune Analytics, Nansen, and more. Each platform offers a unique lens through which to view the market, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the crypto waters with greater precision.

This introduction offers a clear overview of the topic, establishes the value of on-chain analysis, and piques reader interest for the upcoming platform breakdowns. I can also expand on this section further by mentioning specific data types each platform specializes in, like transaction metrics, token distribution analysis, or social media sentiment indicators. Just let me know your preferences and I’ll adjust accordingly!

Excited to embark on this data-driven journey with you!


CoinGlass steps onto the on-chain analysis stage with a focus on a crucial yet often overlooked area: the derivatives market. Here’s what sets it apart and how it can empower your degen endeavors:

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Pulse: Immerse yourself in the live heartbeat of the market with real-time data on open interest, funding rates, liquidations, and more. Track how sentiment shifts and big players position themselves across various derivatives platforms.
  • Whale Watch: Unmask the krakens! Identify whale movements and potential market movers through large position tracking and liquidation alerts. Anticipate market swings and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  • Heatmap Highlights: Visualize the derivative landscape at a glance! The intuitive heatmap displays market dominance across exchanges and contracts, helping you spot under-the-radar gems or avoid crowded trades.
  • Funding Rate Frenzy: Master the art of reading funding rates. CoinGlass provides detailed breakdowns of funding rates across exchanges, offering insights into market sentiment and potential arbitrage opportunities.
  • Option Open Interest Oracle: Decipher the options whisperings. Track option open interest and Greeks to gauge market expectations and potential price movements, allowing you to refine your option trading strategies.

Use Cases:

  • Spotting Market Trends: Real-time open interest and funding rate changes can signal shifts in sentiment and upcoming price movements. Degens can use this to enter or exit positions before the herd catches on.
  • Hunting Whale Activity: Tracking large positions and liquidations can reveal big players’ moves, allowing degens to anticipate market impacts and potentially front-run their trades.
  • Identifying Undervalued Contracts: The heatmap highlights under-the-radar derivatives markets with potentially lower competition and higher alpha potential.
  • Hedging Your Bets: Understanding funding rates and market sentiment can help degens hedge their existing positions and minimize downside risk.
  • Refining Option Strategies: Option open interest and Greeks data provide deeper insights into market expectations, allowing degens to make more informed options plays.

Pros and Cons:


  • Real-time data focus: Ideal for fast-paced degen strategies.
  • Whale tracking and market sentiment: Valuable insights for anticipating market moves.
  • Intuitive interface and heatmap: Easy to navigate and visually interpret data.
  • Free basic tier: Accessible for all investors.


  • Limited on-chain data: Doesn’t offer comprehensive fundamental analysis like Dune Analytics.
  • Focus on derivatives: Not suitable for purely spot traders.
  • Limited historical data: Backtesting strategies might be challenging.


  • Dune Analytics: For in-depth on-chain data analysis and custom dashboards.
  • DeFiLlama: For tracking DeFi protocols and tokenomics data.
  • Coinigy: For advanced charting and trading tools.

Remember, CoinGlass is a powerful tool for navigating the volatile and dynamic world of crypto derivatives. However, it’s best used in conjunction with other on-chain and technical analysis tools for a more comprehensive understanding of the market.

By harnessing the real-time insights and whale-tracking capabilities of CoinGlass, degens can make informed decisions, anticipate market shifts, and potentially optimize their risk-reward strategies. Just remember to use it responsibly and always consider the bigger picture before diving headfirst into any trade.

Unveiling the On-Chain Arsenal

Now that we’ve explored the power of on-chain analysis, let’s dive into the specific tools that fuel your degen endeavors. Each platform offers unique insights and functionalities, so choose your weapon wisely!

1. Glassnode

Think of Glassnode as your personal on-chain data buffet. Dive into a feast of advanced metrics like SOPR and NUPL, revealing market sentiment and project viability. Craft personalized dashboards to track your chosen indicators, then delve into the extensive historical archive to backtest your strategies and uncover hidden patterns. Whether you’re a seasoned analyst or a data-hungry degen, Glassnode offers the depth and flexibility to satisfy your analytical cravings.

2. Nansen

Craving insider information? Nansen grants you exclusive access to the secret societies of blockchain wallets. Track DeFi protocol interactions, smart contract movements, and the activities of high-net-worth individuals. Identify smart money flows and potential alpha opportunities before the herd catches on. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use Nansen’s insights wisely and ethically.

Nansen ai

3. Dune Analytics

Tired of one-size-fits-all charts? Dune Analytics empowers you to become the architect of your own on-chain data experience. Build custom dashboards with real-time data feeds, tailor-made for your specific interests and strategies. Whether you’re a yield farmer tracking liquidity pools or a token enthusiast dissecting governance proposals, Dune offers the creative freedom to build your perfect analytical masterpiece.

Dune Analytics

4. MessariCrypto

Don’t just react to the market, anticipate it with Messari’s insightful research reports and market analyses. Dig deeper than daily price charts and delve into on-chain trends, fundamental analysis, and expert breakdowns. These reports offer invaluable long-term perspectives, helping you avoid knee-jerk reactions and craft informed investment decisions.


5. ArkhamIntel

Unmask the movements of market giants with ArkhamIntel’s powerful wallet tracking tools. Identify whale activity, monitor large transactions, and gain valuable insights into potential market impacts. Remember, with great whale-watching power comes great responsibility. Use these insights to inform your strategy, not chase shadows.


6. Bubblemaps

Think of token distribution as the hidden map of future price movements. Bubblemaps equips you with advanced tools to visualize and analyze token supply, identifying potential unlocks, selling pressure, and long-term value distribution. This knowledge, wielded wisely, can reveal hidden gems and steer you clear of overinflated bubbles.


7. Footprint Data

Let the machines do the heavy lifting with Footprint Data’s AI-powered analysis tools. Identify market trends and anomalies with automated signal generation, freeing you to focus on strategic decision-making. Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a crystal ball. Always use your own judgment and combine AI insights with other analysis methods.

Footprint Data

8. Santimentfeed

Don’t let market sentiment be a mystery. Santimentfeed combines on-chain data with social media analysis, offering a holistic view of market fear and optimism. Track trending topics, gauge community sentiment, and identify potential turning points before they hit the mainstream. Remember, emotions can be contagious in the market, so use sentiment analysis responsibly and avoid becoming part of the herd mentality.


9. Uniwhalesio

Want to front-run the krakens? Uniwhalesio puts you in the front row of the real-time whale transaction race. Track whale movements, anticipate market swings, and potentially capitalize on their trades. Just remember, real-time data is a double-edged sword. Use it to gain insights, not get caught in FOMO-fueled frenzy.


10. 0xscope

This one’s for the code-savvy degens: 0xscope offers advanced on-chain analytics for DeFi protocols and smart contracts. Analyze on-chain data at the protocol level, identify potential exploits, and uncover hidden opportunities. Remember, great power comes with great responsibility. Use your advanced skills ethically and avoid manipulating or exploiting protocols for personal gain.


This is just a glimpse into the diverse world of on-chain analysis tools. Each platform offers a unique lens through which to view the market, empowering you to make informed decisions and potentially navigate the crypto waters with greater precision. Remember, diversification is key! Combine different tools, strategies, and analysis methods to create a holistic approach to your degen endeavors.

Frequently Asked Question

Q: What exactly is on-chain analysis?

A: On-chain analysis delves into the data recorded on the blockchain, like transaction history, wallet addresses, and smart contract interactions. By analyzing this data, we can gain insights into market sentiment, whale activity, project health, and potential investment opportunities.

Q: Why should I use on-chain analysis as a degen?

A: On-chain analysis goes beyond simple price charts and technical indicators. It gives you a deeper understanding of the underlying fundamentals of the market, helping you spot trends, identify undervalued projects, and anticipate potential market moves before the crowd catches on. This can give you an edge in making informed decisions and potentially maximizing your returns.

Q: Which on-chain analysis tool is the best?

A: There’s no single “best” tool, as each platform offers unique features and caters to different needs. Consider your specific trading style, risk tolerance, and budget when choosing tools. Glassnode is great for advanced metrics and historical data, Nansen excels at smart money tracking, while Dune Analytics caters to custom dashboard creation. Explore different options and find the tools that resonate best with you.

Q: Can on-chain analysis guarantee profits?

A: Absolutely not! The crypto market is inherently volatile, and no tool can guarantee success. However, using on-chain analysis for better-informed decision-making can significantly improve your chances of navigating the market successfully and minimizing your risk.

Q: Where can I learn more about on-chain analysis?

A: The resources are vast! Many platforms offer dedicated learning sections and blog posts. Check out Glassnode Academy, Nansen’s “Learn” section, and Dune Analytics’ tutorials for platform-specific insights. Additionally, follow thought leaders and analysts on Twitter and YouTube for market updates and on-chain data breakdowns


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